Wednesday, June 25, 2014

On mindsets.

If I had to choose one thing that I have learned since I started cruising around this world that has had the greatest impact on my life, it would have to be the fact that your mindset is everything. A scary statement for sure, but one that can also be relieving. Relieving because you have a large amount of power to make your life exactly how you want it to be (and if this is starting to sound a little Infomerical-esque, please forgive me). It’s often the deciding factor in how your day goes, how your relationship goes, how your life goes. It's actually quite scary how much control you have for sure, as many people take comfort in blaming their lives, their circumstances, their bosses for their current condition. Certainly, difficulties come and go, and I’m a firm believer that challenges are there to make you a better person, but the right mindset can make them so much easier to handle. So when difficulties come your way, take a deep breath and try your hardest to believe they they’re happening for a reason. Because they are. And if you need a little inspiration, just Google the story of the Taoist farmer- that dude knew what was up.